88 Currently showing results
Financial management for MATs
Civica Financials drives efficiencies and savings through streamlined and integrated financial management for your MAT.
Education Suite
Education Suite for Schools, Academies and Multi-Academy Trusts
School Operations Management Software
We help schools stay compliant, mitigate risks and improve the environment for students and staff.
Civica Occupational Health Software(formerly OPAS) - OH Software
Civica Occupational Health provides greater insight into the health and wellbeing of your workforce.
CivicaCollect - Debt Collection and Recovery Software
In-depth insight optimises collection rates and safeguards citizens
Civica Revenues & Benefits Software for Local Government
Get expert support for housing benefit and council tax and . Speak with expert!
Master data management
Empowering a complete, accurate and shareable view of data to help you deliver better, more cost-effective services
Coldharbour - Home, Residential and Domiciliary Care Software
A care management software controls costs and delivers better outcomes for residential and community care sectors.
Financial management for local government
Drives digital transformation and unlocks the value of your public finance data
People management
Civica People Hub, our HR software that transforms people management and engages employees.
Online school payments
Secure online school payment system to maximise income and improve parental engagement.
Recruitment management
Online recruitment management software for NHS
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