Cx Environmental Health

Simplify complaints, requests and inspections management and reduce administration.

Simplify complaints, requests and inspections management and reduce administration.

Cx Environmental Health streamlines service demand and visit management, supporting you to deliver more responsive services.

cloud and mobile optimised, it creates efficiency savings by empowering officers to carry out end-to-end processes without the need to go to an office.

Connected intelligence with Cx Environmental Health

Accurately access, record and manage assets within four connected databases.

  • Assign actions or inspections against the most appropriate entity
  • Maintain business records, even after change of premises
  • Connect premises, vehicles, and contact records to a single business
  • Independently manage entities and their relationships to cases and other entities.

Five reasons to choose Cx Environmental Health:

  1. Simplifies reporting to reduce administration and improves response times
  2. Mobilises your workforce to boost productivity
  3. Increases revenue generation
  4. Promotes channel shift to increase customer satisfaction
  5. Supports local practices, helping you adhere to legislative requirements.


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Christine Grange

It is amazing working with such a talented team

Seven innovation trends

The past year has shown what is possible when we work together. Looking forward, we believe there are seven key trends that will impact the way we live and deliver Environmental Health services in 2021 and beyond…

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