28th February 2024
Civica named top ranked supplier on APUC’s framework for finance systems
The global GovTech provider secured first place on APUC’s FE colleges framework exactly one year ago, in February 2023
The APUC (Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges) framework is the procurement centre of expertise for all of Scotland’s universities and colleges
Further Education is a key market for Civica, which currently supports more than 65 colleges across UK, with its cloud based Civica College Management solution.
Civica has been named top ranked supplier for finance systems on the APUC Finance, HR/Payroll System(s) and Associated Services Framework, the national procurement platform which serves all of Scotland's universities and colleges.
This is the second key procurement framework win for Civica in just twelve months, with the global GovTech provider securing first place on APUC’s FE colleges framework in February 2023.
Being awarded the top ranked position means that colleges will be able to procure directly from Civica, without having to go through a costly, time-consuming tender process. Further Education is a key market for GovTech leader Civica, with the company currently supporting more than 65 colleges across the UK through its cloud-based student information management system, Civica College Management.
Scotland’s FE sector, where Civica is ambitious to grow, comprises 26 colleges across 13 regions supporting around 213,135 learners.
APUC (Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges) is owned jointly by all of Scotland's Universities and Colleges and provides a wide range of procurement related shared services to education institutions across the country.
Stewart Mcluskey,
Managing Director (education),
We’re delighted to have been awarded highest ranked place on another crucial APUC Framework and we welcome the opportunity to continue supporting our customers across Scotland.
Across Scotland and the wider UK, our cloud-based solutions are helping colleges to adapt and thrive, ensuring greater levels of security, cost savings and more flexibility to deal with whatever challenges come their way.
We’re looking forward to helping deliver those same benefits for colleges across Scotland, so students and staff alike can enjoy an ever better learning and teaching experience.
Civica awarded top ranked supplier on Scottish Further Education procurement framework
Civica has been awarded top ranked supplier on the APUC Student Management System Framework, (FE Colleges Lot), the national procurement platform which serves all of Scotland's universities and colleges.
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Civica Financials: Finance Management Software for MATs
Civica Financials is a flexible, scalable system to manage MAT and college finances, drastically saving time, money and resources. It’s driven by innovation, designed specifically for MATs and colleges and is part of the Civica Education suite of software.
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